Shipping and return policies for Pramanik MDMC

Shipping Info
I will be shipping via standard economy shipping. If Amazon decides to one day buy me out or acquire my medical music, then you can have the option of next day shipping. But until then, I will remain a "mom and pop" shop and ship at the standard economy rates per US Postal Service. Thank you.
Return Policy
if you have received damaged goods, I would like to apologize and offer a replacement free-of-charge, including economy standard shipping cost, if you can provide evidence of the damage and identify your sale of purchase. For merchandise shipped, at this time I cannot provide a refund. If you have damaged goods and do not wish to get another free-of-charge package, and you provide the evidence, if you wish to get a refund, please write to me and tell me why you want to break my heart via email to After reading the email and reviewing the objective evidence, I shall give you a full refund, including the shipping cost.